News in Numbers


China filed 44,467 patents in financial services over the last three years, closely followed by the US with 39,679.


The European Commission, the Mauritanian Investment Bank and the European Investment Bank have signed a memorandum of agreement. This includes the use of long-term financing of €20m ($22m) granted by the European Investment Bank (EIB) to the BMI for loans to SMEs and ETI in Mauritania. 


According to data by the multinational legal firm RPC, the number of claims made by victims of cyber extortion to Action Fraud increased by 39% in 2022, going from 2,300 to 3,200.


TD Asset Management (TDAM) has increased its ETF assets under management from around $300m to over $10bn. This has happened over the previous five years at TDAM by launching more than 40 Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) investment alternatives. 


Four new businesses from the United States, the United Kingdom, Romania, and Switzerland were chosen by dpixel, the Sella group Venture Incubator, as a part of "Metaverse 4 Finance.’’ They were chosen by dpixel as part of the Sella Group Venture Incubator, as a part of “Metaverse 4 Finance.’’ It is the first Metaverse acceleration programme in Italy.