Investment Administration
At PandaConnect, our objective is to create maximum value for our clients at the lowest possible cost within Investment Administration.
This covers services such as Investment Reporting, Investment Accounting, Fund Service (NAV), Collection Management and IT.
The solutions are simple, unique and global using our in-house developed front-to-back on-line portfolio management platform.
We Work Across Industries
We work across various industries from the smaller private wealth segment, Single Family Office to Multi Family Offices, Investment Advisors, Foundations, Unions, Universities, Unemployment Funds etc. to major institutional clients within Pension Schemes, Insurance Companies, Investment Managers and Investment Funds (NAV).
Our many partners have selected our solution because of high competencies in the organisation, a sophisticated but simple IT platform and a value oriented attitude towards each and every client.
Your Portfolios at Your Fingertips – Anytime and Anywhere
Your data is available to you in numerous ways.
Go online with PandaCockpit® and get an immediate overview of the most relevant investment information. Choose to order detailed reports from the report module. All reports are generated as PDF or Excel documents. Use the App for a top view.
If you need basic data for your own systems, we provides data loads for you. Your accounting figures will be provided to you in standardised files – ready to be loaded to your bookkeeping system.
Head office:
PandaConnect Group
Sydmarken 32A
2860 Søborg
Telephone: +45 7033 3393
Nichlas Gylling Hansen
Telephone: +45 43 30 32 44