ContentsIssue 30 • March 2023In association withIn DepthThe wealthy are beginning to feel responsible, so what will they do next?With increasing pressure to invest responsibly, what is a wealthy person to do?In DepthWill “Britcoin” bring legitimacy to cryptocurrency in the UK?CommentUS bank runs present opportunity for private wealth managersBriefingIndustry newsFinance industry briefingMacroeconomic executive briefingCommentUS bank runs are an acquisition opportunity for private wealth managersAussie baby boomer investors hit hardest by slow growth and inflationAs China’s financial markets open up, the risks and rewards are huge for wealth managersIn DepthThe wealthy are beginning to feel responsible, so what will they do next?Will “Britcoin” bring legitimacy to cryptocurrency in the UK?Lack of investment in climate-related measures will cost emerging marketsThe ‘Break Point’ for UK wealth managersIn DataInside the dealDeals analysisChart of the monthHiring activity in the British banking and payments industry decreased by 15% in Q4 2022What’s happening with the jobs market in APAC?05/26/2024 00:30:25