Thought Leadership

Money side up: why onboarding and compliance are essential KPIs for success

The pillars of success are rapidly changing for banks and financial institutions. Between the rise of digital services and evolving regulations, financial institutions are finding themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to onboarding and compliance. 

With customers deeply rooted in both of these processes, financial institutions are feeling the pressure to attract, retain and grow their customer base without friction while remaining compliant.

A study by Deloitte has already shown that 38% of new banking customers will abandon the account creation process if they find that the onboarding process is too long or overly involved. Meanwhile, in that same study, 26% of customers reported that “easy enrollment and login” are the most important criteria on which they decide who to bank with.

As competition grows fierce and financial institutions must walk the security and convenience tightrope, those who prioritize onboarding and compliance as part of their organization’s KPIs will have the upper hand. By using onboarding and compliance as focal points for success, it will be much more attainable for financial institutions to achieve better ROI, foster customer loyalty and maintain security while mitigating risks and fraud.

Leveraging identity verification for a winning strategy

A poor user experience has the ability to drive away customers and potentially damage a company’s reputation. With account creation often being the first customer touchpoint, one of the easiest ways to improve onboarding and compliance processes is through identity verification programs.

By leveraging the best practices needed for identity verification, banks and financial institutions will be in a better position to attract new customers, retain existing customers and remain compliant with regulatory requirements. Let’s take a look at the top three ways digital identity verification is essential to realize increased revenues with decreased costs.

The future of aviation is strictly tied to several factors

Deliver a quick and seamless customer onboarding experience

Did you know that by 2023, Gartner predicts that 75% of organizations will be using a single vendor with strong identity orchestration capabilities and connections to many other third parties for identity proofing and affirmation? This is up from less than 15% today.

Why does this matter when it comes to attracting new customers? Given that banks and financial institutions need a seamless and secure onboarding process with less friction, the selection and implementation of digital identity verification solutions are often the difference between success and failure.

With a solution like Trulioo GlobalGateway, financial institutions can benefit from a customer onboarding experience that balances security and speed. Fast and automated identity verification processes allow for faster onboarding with risk-based workflows that let organizations apply the right amount of friction based on business needs and customer profiles

By being able to deliver a quick and seamless onboarding process, financial institutions can provide customers with a frictionless experience that increases customer confidence and trust while also building their organization’s reputation.

Secure customer loyalty

It was recently reported that on average banks are spending more than $300 to acquire a new customer. Despite all the time and resources that go into attracting new customers, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to financial institutions growing their customer base.

While attrition rates in the banking industry are around 11%, the annual churn rate for new customers doubles that figure with 20-25% of new customers leaving within their first year. Meanwhile, of those new customers that have churned, more than half of them do so within the first 90 days after opening their accounts.

This only further emphasizes the importance of customer loyalty for banks and financial institutions. Beyond the initial sign-up, financial institutions want a customer for life that will not only establish one account opening but hopefully many, such as chequing, savings, loans, etc. By having an identity verification process in place with the ease of onboarding and security, an existing customer will be more likely to open additional accounts in the future.

Effortlessly maintain your regulatory and compliance requirements

Financial institutions need to create a smooth account opening process that satisfies anti-money laundering (AML), Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Business (KYB) regulations, which is no easy feat. As digital services continue to rise in nearly every industry, customers are becoming more expectant of convenient onboarding processes.

Beyond meeting compliance requirements, a digital identity verification solution can also help financial institutions reduce onboarding risks. Backed by the flexibility to adapt to changing regulatory requirements quickly and easily, financial institutions can ensure they are first to market with new products and services while simultaneously minimizing risk. Meanwhile, having good compliance processes can make it far easier to enter new markets in a fast and seamless way, rather than being held up by regulatory bodies and red tape.

Improve customer satisfaction and your ROI

Given the customer-focused nature of environments that banks and financial institutions operate in, engaging in these new relationships early on is essential for heightened success. By leveraging a sophisticated, digital-first onboarding and compliance strategy, financial institutions can provide the quick and seamless onboarding experience that customers crave. Having laid the groundwork for a great first impression, financial institutions will then be more likely to see increased satisfaction rates and long-term customer loyalty.

Ready to begin seeing increased revenues with decreased costs? Get started on implementing and improving your customer onboarding with a digital identity verification program today.

Contact details

Trulioo Headquarters
1200 – 1055 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC,

Canada V6E 2E9

Contact Trulioo 

+1 888 773 0179